Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hey, It's my first Post!

When I decided to create my own blog, I thought I was being a little pretentious.  I mean, who is going to want to read what I have to say, LOL!  But really, this is just going to be more like a diary of what I am doing, thinking, watching, reading, playing, whatever.

So, yes, I am owned by three cats, Josie, Katie and Teddy.  I also have one dog, Frannie.  Oh, and a husband, Tom.  By day I am a legal assistant at a patent law firm, and by night I am a wannabe arty-type person.

This is a picture of Teddy, isn't he a sweetie-pie?  FYI, his nickname is Teddy the Terrorist, so he isn't always this adorable.  He is the head of the feline population in our home and is the nosiest thing alive!  He is always into something.

This is Josie, or The Whiner.  She whines about everything and she is a tease - she will roll over on her back, with her belly up, but if you try to pet her belly, she cries.  She is such a drama queen!

And this is my little girl, Katie, or The Princess.  She is a prissy thing.  She likes my shoes and purses and always seems to want some loving whenever I am at the computer!


  1. These babies have a great life. And they are adorable. You're lucky to be owned by such cuties.

  2. Lovely kitties! I miss miss Josie.


  3. Love the kitty-kat pics. Can't wait to sit on the newly remodeled front porch and drink margaritas with you!

