Sunday, September 5, 2010

Under Construction

We are Under Construction at our house.  We are increasing the depth of our front porch from 6 feet to 10 feet, which as you can see is considerable.  It will really increase the usable space of the porch.  I like using the front porch better than our back deck.  The back deck gets the afternoon sun and is very hot and the sun is in your face, whereas the front porch is shaded and comfortable in the afternoon.  It has taken a whole lot longer than I thought it would, though.  We applied for the bulding permit on June 25th and it wasn't approved until July 27th and that was after they came back to us for more information and corrections because of the building code requirements.  UGH!  But, I did drag a chair up this morning and sit outside with my coffee and book and enjoyed the morning.  Hopefully soon we will be done with construction and able to fully enjoy the finished project.                                          

1 comment:

  1. It will look great once it is all done and all the hard work will be worth it!

